Students applying for a scholarship must indicate on their Postgraduate Admissions application form that they wish to be considered for Cambridge Scholarships in order to be eligible for Newnham scholarships. Preference will be given to students who select Newnham as their first or second choice College. Scholarships are awarded between April and July. Please see below for fund descriptions.
- Anna Watkins Scholarship
The Anna Watkins Scholarship is for a woman who is committed to high academic achievement and who excels in rowing, and offers up to £12,000 for the successful candidate.
To apply for the Anna Watkins Scholarship, you need to write a letter to Newnham College, addressed to the Postgraduate Grants and Awards Committee. You need to state your rowing experience, awards, and passion for the sport. Only those who have an offer or intended membership (stating Newnham College as College choice on your application form) will be considered. Successful applicants will be confirmed in July.
- The Allan & Nesta Ferguson Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject. The amount awarded is variable.
- Cambridge Australia Studentship
Thanks to the generous endowment of Professor Jan Anderson Cambridge Australia Scholarships are now offering a dedicated Newnham Studentship to a female Australian graduate intending to study for a PhD degree at Cambridge.
Eligibility: New students applying to Newnham College studying towards a Ph.D in any subject.
Each studentship is tenable for three years and covers: University fees; a maintenance allowance for living expenses; and contribution towards a return airfare to the UK.
Timing: The deadline is usually around the first week in December or the first week in January.
Procedure: For more information and details on how to apply, contact the Cambridge Australia Scholarships.
This is a wonderful opportunity for an outstanding female student who wishes to come from Australia. We have a long tradition of excellent undergraduate students from Australia and are delighted that the new Cambridge Australia Newnham Studentship now offers this chance for one PhD student at any one time.
- Dorothy Whitelock Studentship
The Studentship, which is open to both men and women, was founded in 1986 to honour Professor Whitelock’s outstanding contribution to Anglo-Saxon and kindred studies
Eligibility: Students for admission as graduate students working for the MPhil or Ph.D Degree within the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic.
The Studentship is open to current MPhil and Ph.D students who during the tenure of the Studentship will not have completed twelve terms of postgraduate study.
In the case of female applicants preference may be given to those who have named Newnham (Professor Whitelock’s College) as their College of first preference. There is no restriction on College choice for men.
A previous holder of the Studentship may apply in subsequent years.
Timing: Requests must be received by 1st June.
Procedure: No special application form is required, but a letter containing a C.V. and a copy of the research proposal should be sent to Professor Judy Quinn, Newnham College, Cambridge, CB3 9DF. Each applicant should also ask their supervisor to write a letter of recommendation directly to Professor Quinn so as to reach her by 1 June.
Election to the Studentship is subject to unconditional acceptance as a Postgraduate Student by the Student Registry or by a College as an Affiliated Student.
- Hilda Richardson Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D, with a preference for Earth Sciences or Geography. The amount awarded is variable.
- The HS Chau Foundation Scholarship
The HS Chau Foundation Scholarship supports academically outstanding international female PhD students studying STEM subjects at Newnham to contribute to society by producing intellectually rigorous research which makes a positive difference to the academic community and beyond.
The Chau Foundation Scholarship is offered annually and covers University fees and maintenance for 3.5 years.
To apply for a HS Chau Foundation Scholarship, students must indicate on their Postgraduate Admissions application form that they wish to be considered for Cambridge Scholarships in order to be eligible for Newnham scholarships. Preference will be given to students who select Newnham as their first or second choice College. Scholarships are usually awarded between mid-March and the end of May, for admission in the following year.
- Dr Krystyna M. Chabros Scholarship
The Dr Krystyna M. Chabros Scholarship has been established through the generous legacy of Dr Krystyna Chabros (NC 1966, Modern Languages), and is available to non-science students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D. The amount award is variable.
To apply for the Chabros scholarship, students must indicate on their Postgraduate Admissions application form that they wish to be considered for Cambridge Scholarships in order to be eligible for Newnham scholarships. Preference will be given to students who select Newnham as their first or second choice College.
- Laing Developing Countries Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students from low- or low-middle-income economy countries, studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject. The amount awarded is variable.
- Margaret Anstee Scholarship
The Margaret Anstee Centre for Global Studies, located at Newnham College, is able to provide one graduate scholarship per year to either a Ph.D or M.Phil applicant. A wide range of disciplines are eligible, but students must be intending to study and/or research in the broad fields of economic and social development, and/or international studies.
In compliance with the terms of Dame Margaret Anstee’s legacy, this scholarship is restricted to women students from the UK, and women students from the ‘global South’ (normally taken to mean countries on the OECD-DAC recipient list). Indigenous/First Nation applicants will also be considered eligible in some circumstances.
The award holder must be a member of Newnham College, and preference will be given to those applicants who list Newnham as a first or second choice College. The scholarship may be held in conjunction with match funding from other awarding bodies in the University and beyond.
- Mary Anne Ewart Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject. The amount awarded is variable.
- Mary Rogers Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new home students applying to Newnham pursuing a Ph.D in Literary, Historical or Art Historical studies (including Architecture). Classical, medieval and contemporary periods will not be excluded, but preference will be given to research incorporating the early modern period (circa 1400-1700) as a significant aspect of study. The amount awarded is variable.
- Menca de Leoni Scholarship
The Menca de Leoni Scholarship is a substantial scholarship established to assist women students of Venezuelan nationality to study in Cambridge, thereby promoting goodwill and collaboration between Venezuela and Cambridge University.
- Muir Wood Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in Mathematics, Engineering or Science. The amount awarded is variable.
- Newnham Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject. The amount awarded is variable.
- Onora O'Neill Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject, with a preference for Philosophy. The amount awarded is variable.
- Pelham Roberts Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in Archaeology, Medicine or Natural Sciences. The amount awarded is variable.
- Principal's Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in Mathematics or Humanities. The amount awarded is variable.
- Rhoda M. Dorsey Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in any subject. The amount awarded is variable.
- Royalton Kisch Scholarship
This scholarship is available to new students studying towards an M.Phil or Ph.D in History of Religion, Anthropology of Religion or Sociology of Religion. The amount awarded is variable.
- Sheila Edmonds Bursary
Newnham College, in conjunction with the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS), offers up to three Sheila Edmonds Bursaries for women taking Part III in DPMMS. This Bursary is for £6,000 in total.
These bursaries are open to female applicants interested in any area taught by DPMMS.
Female applicants to Masters in Advanced Studies in Mathematics who wish to be considered for a Sheila Edmonds Bursary should give Newnham as their first choice of College on the Applicant Portal (application form) and should apply for the MAST in Pure Mathematics or the MAST in Statistical Mathematics. They should also email DPMMS and Graduate Admissions, Newnham College. Interest should be registered at the time of application to University of Cambridge. The deadline is early January.