Postgraduate grants

As well as major studentships and awards, Newnham offers book grants, travel and research grants, equipment grants and funds for music throughout the academic year.

Single tree in a green field with a blue sky overhead

Some information is below, or speak to your Tutor if you have any questions regarding financial support.

Research & Travel Funds

To support postgraduate students for research-related expenses such as attendance at conferences, travel to gather data or to study source material essential for research. Computer and software purchases will be considered.

Eligibility: All postgraduates within their nine terms of research. There is no means test. You may apply more than once in any academic year, providing your supervisor will support your applications.

Timing: Decisions on research funding are made case by case. You need to provide clear evidence of costs. You may apply in advance or retrospectively.

Procedure: Download an application form and have your supervisor add their written support, then return the form to the Tutorial & Academic Office (via email or mail). You may include all categories of expense, from visa fees though ground travel, airfares, registration fees and costs of accommodation and board. You are also expected to make applications to other sources (if available). The Committee will grant up to £750 per student per academic year (1st October to 30th September). For students continuing their degree past one year, should you not use the fund in one year, it can be rolled over to be used in the second year (two years consecutively max). For example, should you not claim any research expenses in your first year, you could claim up to £1500 in your second year. Should you not claim any research expenses in your first or second year, a maximum amount of £1500 could be claimed in your third year. Awards are paid on production of receipts.

PhD students who have not used their entitlement in their third year may apply to the Committee for funding in their fourth year (restricted to conference attendance only). Part-time students may also apply to receive a pro-rata amount.

Developing World Fund

The Developing World Fund has been established to specifically “support students involved in Development Studies or related subject areas, or working in developing countries.”

Eligibility: Open to postgraduate and undergraduate students and is administered by the Senior Tutor in conjunction with the Postgraduate Tutor.

Timing: Decisions on travel and research funding are made case by case. You need to provide clear evidence of costs. You must apply in advance.

Procedure: Postgraduates should apply using the Travel and Research Application Form. Undergraduates should apply using Travel Grants forms (available in Easter term). The Developing World Fund is one fund used for such applications. You may include all categories of expense, from visa fees though ground travel, airfares, registration fees and costs of accommodation and board. You are also expected to make applications to other sources (if available). This Fund has been set up specifically “to support students involved in Development Studies or related subject areas, or working in developing countries.”

Laing Fund

The Laing Fund has been established to specifically support students from developing countries when undertaking fieldwork and research.

Eligibility: Open to postgraduate students from developing countries.

Timing: Decisions on travel and research funding are made case by case. You need to provide clear evidence of costs. You must apply in advance.

Procedure: Postgraduates should apply using the Research and Travel Application Form. The Laing Fund is one fund used for such applications. You may include all categories of expense, from visa fees though ground travel, airfares, registration fees and costs of accommodation and board. You are also expected to make applications to other sources (if available).

Welfare Funds

Small grants for students experiencing temporary hardship or unexpected costs. If you face a sudden financial shortfall due to circumstances beyond your control (death, illness, or job loss of financial guarantor; unusual and unforeseeable emergency expenses), we can make small grants to assist with immediate problems, until you find a long-term solution. Please note that this is an emergency fund.

All students are required to have made appropriate financial provision for their courses before being admitted.

Eligibility: All Postgraduate students (within terms).

Timing: Any time. You should get a decision within two weeks, less if necessary (but please do not wait until you are down to your last £2 before applying).

Procedure: Go to see your Tutor, who will discuss your problem with you and endorse the application. Your case is sent anonymously to the PGAC Committee, who make a decision based upon your circumstances and Tutor’s recommendation.

The Student Registry also makes awards from its Financial Assistance Fund.

Book Grants

Newnham can offer grants towards the purchase of essential books for research or coursework. We do not have limitless funds and if you can reasonably have been expected to refer to the book in a library, you should not make a claim for it; your Supervisor will be asked to verify that purchase of your books is essential.

Book grants are awarded on a percentage basis according to total expenditure of all students, up to a certain maximum each. This ceiling (£200 or less), and the percentage of your costs that can be covered (likely to be around 70%), is worked out by formula once all applications have been received.

Eligibility: All postgraduates within terms.

Timing: An application form will be available from the Tutorial Office in the Lent Term; the closing date is in February. Decisions will be made by the end of term Lent term.

Procedure: Gather up the receipts for books you have bought since the beginning of the academic year or the last round of Book Grants; make a list of these books (titles & prices); add up your total expenditure; attach your receipts firmly to this list and attach list and receipts to the application form. You need your supervisor’s or DoS’s endorsement.

Unfortunately this fund cannot help with the purchase of computer software. We may consider a grant towards the costs of photocopying rare or out of print or difficult-to-find books, but only if student and supervisor can make a strong case for needing these as a matter of absolute necessity.

Smart Fund (for equipment)

The Smart Fund provide several small grants termly for medical, scientific or other technical equipment for the individual use of undergraduate or postgraduate students who pay undergraduate fees; this includes clinical equipment grants (for stethoscopes etc). Architects have particular equipment needs, and are guaranteed up to £300 per year from the equipment funds, on production of receipts.

Music Grants

Newnham has several music funds.

Newnham appoints Music Organisers to be responsible for organising College concerts in collaboration with the Senior Music Advisors and the Raleigh Music Society. Duties include organising: the lunchtime recital series; occasional orchestral or choral concerts; Music at Advent; and sung grace for the College Feast. Each year, the College seeks to appoint a Junior Music Organiser and a Senior Music Organiser. The appointments commence in January and run for one year, with the possibility, for the Junior, of renewal for a further year as the Senior. An honorarium of £100 is paid, plus an allowance of £80 towards music lessons. Undergraduates and postgraduates are all eligible, except those in their final year or on one-year courses.

The College also offers a number of Instrumental/Vocal awards of £150 each towards music lessons. These are awarded early in the Michaelmas Term. Undergraduates and postgraduates are all eligible, except those holding Intercollegiate Instrumental Awards or College choral awards. Forms are available from the Tutorial Office early in the Michaelmas Term, and awards are by audition.

The Leslie Betts Fund provides a small number of grants (normally not more than £90 each) for musical purposes, e.g. music lessons, active participation in the performance of music, or travel expenses for the latter. Any resident undergraduate or postgraduate student of Newnham College who is NOT reading for the Music Tripos is eligible to apply to the Betts Fund.

US Travel Bursary

The Newnham US Committee (mainly alumnae of the College now living in the USA) usually offers a substantial travel bursary. The winner of this bursary (undergraduate or postgraduate) will receive $5,000 for travel to and within the USA during the summer vacation.

To apply for the 2025 US Travel Bursary, you will need to complete this application form, write a proposal document for your project and ask your Mentor (if the project is academic) or your Tutor (if the project is non-academic) for a reference by 17 February 2025. 

The final deadline to complete your application form and to send your proposal document and reference from your DoS/Tutor to the Tutorial Office ( is 24 February 2025.

If you win the US Travel Bursary, you will be required to write a letter after your visit, with photos, describing your travels and thanking the US Alumnae. This letter will be posted on the Newnham website.

Kathleen Hughes Memorial Fund

The Managers of the Kathleen Hughes Memorial Fund give notice that they welcome applications for a small grant or grants (£150-300) in aid of research to be made from the Fund, the purpose of which is to promote study in the history and culture of the period AD 500 – AD 1200 in Britain, Ireland, and Europe.

The award is open to all members of the University, but preference may be given to applicants in statu pupillari. Applications should be sent to the Professor J. Quinn, Newnham College, so as to reach her by 1 June each year, and must include details of the project for which support is sought and a statement of any other assistance for which application has been made. Grants are not made for general maintenance. Applicants in statu pupillari are requested to ask at least one referee to write in support of their application directly to the Professor Quinn so as to reach her by 1 June each year.

Completion Grants

Completion grants are for those writing up their PhDs. Awards may be up to but no more than £1,000. Applicants for a completion grant must be beyond terms. The successful applicant will normally be expected to complete their thesis within four months of the award being made. Academic progress will be taken into account when considering applications, as will any extension funding granted. Applications may be made at any time and should be submitted to the student’s tutor for consideration by PGAC (Postgraduate Grants and Awards Committee). Please download and complete the completion grant form and submit to your tutor.