Academic matters
- Conditions of Membership of the College
- Student Discipline Policy
- Student Complaints Procedure (Procedure for Solving Problems)
- Fitness to Study Notice and Procedure
- Requesting to change Tripos
- Applying to the University for permission to intermit
- Avoiding Plagiarism - please see the University's guidance and information from the Students Union.
- Examination allowances - please see the information from the Students Union.
Welfare and Safeguarding
- Appropriate relationships between Senior Members and Students in the College setting
- Student Complaints Procedure (Procedure for Solving Problems)
- Gender Recognition Policy
- Admissions Events - Code of Practice for Student Helpers (safeguarding younger visitors)
- Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Newnham Drugs Policy
- Alcohol Policy for Students
- Emergency Contacts Policy
- Data Protection Policy - Health & Wellbeing
- Prevent Duty - the College's responsibilities under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Prevent Duty) are incorporated into the relevant College Policies, and further information can be found on the University’s Prevent guidance website.
Please also see information on Dignity @ Study.