Settling in

Whether you are a postgraduate student arriving in Cambridge for the first time, or an undergraduate who has met your offer – Newnham offers all the support you need to make sure you settle into university life as quickly as possible

A group of students in gowns in College Hall. Photo credit Aurora Gao 2022

Undergraduate students

Most new students will arrive on Thursday 3 October. Some students will arrive a few days earlier than this. If you do need to arrive early (e.g. for a subject-specific orientation session), please request this in advance from the Tutorial Office.

Newnham’s friendly Porters will give you your room key when you arrive and the JCR Freshers’ Committee will be around to help you find your room, as well as organising ‘getting to know you’ activities. During your first week, you will have induction sessions, a chance to meet your Director of Studies to discuss your academic timetable, and a meeting with your Tutor, whose role is to support your pastoral needs during your studies.

Postgraduate students

Many students will arrive on (or shortly after) 28 September. Students being housed in college accommodation can move in from this date. Some international students will arrive a few days earlier, for orientation sessions, and to give them a bit of extra time to acclimatise, open bank accounts etc. We strongly advise students not to arrive earlier than 28 September unless instructed to do so by their Department. Students with college accommodation booked that arrive early must check with the Tutorial Office whether they can move in any earlier. Room keys, university cards and mail can be collected from the Porters’ Lodge who can also give you directions, show you where to unload your belongings and where to grab something to eat!

Undergraduate and postgraduate students

Other highlights during your first week (apart from lots of parties, College and university tours, and maybe even night punting!) will be:

  • Matriculation: when you sign your name in the College Roll (a book which contains the names of all Newnham students, dating from the time when women were not allowed to be on the official University records).
  • The College Feast: your first Formal Hall, in Newnham’s beautiful dining hall. Everybody wears their gown and you will sit with others in your subject, including some current students and your Director of Studies/College Mentor.
  • The University Freshers’ Fair, where you can sign up for various clubs and societies from spaceflight to tiddlywinks. Joining societies is a good way to get involved and make new friends. Newnham will also host its own Freshers’ Fair in College.
  • For undergraduate students; a “family” lunch or dinner with your College "mums", together with College "sisters", and maybe "aunties" and "grandmas" too …
  • You need to register yourself in order to be able to vote. Please visit

Before you know it, term will be underway!