Following the formal Congregation at Senate House during which graduands are presented with their degree (which is also live-streamed for those who cannot attend in person), a buffet-style lunch or tea is provided at College for graduands and their guests.
2024-25 Congregation dates at which Newnham is presenting:
(* = regular Congregation)
Saturday 26 October*
Monday 25 November* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Saturday 31 January* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Monday 24 February* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Saturday 1 March*
MA Congregation - Saturday 5 April (MA graduands only)
Friday 23 May*
General Admission - Friday 4 July 2025 (for BA, MEng, MSci, MMath and MB only)
Friday 25 July*
How to apply:
For General Admission: Complete the booking form sent to all eligible candidates by the Tutorial Office in March.
For MA: Complete the booking form sent to all eligible candidates by the Tutorial Office in January. Contact details are supplied by the Roll/Development Office. They can be contacted at should you need to keep them updated.
*For all other “regular” Congregations: Complete the booking form sent out regularly by the Tutorial Office. You can email to ask to be put on the mailing list.
Further information:
For more information on things like dress, ticketing and Senate House accessibility can be found here:
Degree Ceremonies | Cambridge students