Collecting your degree

Graduation day is a tremendous day for our students, their supporters and friends. It is a unique mix of formality and informality, and a true celebration. We always look forward to welcoming our graduands back to College for their special day.

Newnham College garden flowers

Following the formal Congregation at Senate House during which graduands are presented with their degree (which is also live-streamed for those who cannot attend in person), a buffet-style lunch or tea is provided at College for graduands and their guests. 

2024-25 Congregation dates at which Newnham is presenting:

(* = regular Congregation)

Saturday 26 October*
Monday 25 November* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Saturday 31 January* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Monday 24 February* (graduands can only take degrees in absentia)
Saturday 1 March*
MA Congregation - Saturday 5 April (MA graduands only)
Friday 23 May*
General Admission - Friday 4 July 2025  (for BA, MEng, MSci, MMath and MB only)
Friday 25 July*

How to apply:

For General Admission: Complete the booking form sent to all eligible candidates by the Tutorial Office in March.

For MA: Complete the booking form sent to all eligible candidates by the Tutorial Office in January.  Contact details are supplied by the Roll/Development Office. They can be contacted at should you need to keep them updated.

*For all other “regular” Congregations: Complete the booking form sent out regularly by the Tutorial Office. You can email to ask to be put on the mailing list.

Further information: 

For more information on things like dress, ticketing and Senate House accessibility can be found here: 
Degree Ceremonies | Cambridge students