CamGuides features a range of resources specially designed to support you as you begin your studies. Browse this website for practical skills such as referencing, reading lists, and avoiding plagiarism, as well as information on what you can expect from your learning and interactions with your fellow students and academic staff.
The Cambridge Libguides platform includes information on a range of skills, tips on remote learning and reading on screens, as well as helpful guides to subject resources.
Wolfson College Library has put together guides for academic writing, note-taking, time management and more.
Some Faculty websites also have links to resources, like this study skills guide for new students in Mathematics and a short book on writing essays for Philosophy.
We are all reading online much more than ever before, and becoming increasingly reliant on electronic materials. The Reading on screens LibGuide features advice on how to make reading on screens easier, including alternative formats, accessibility features, and note-taking, as well as how to navigate different ebook formats and platforms.
The University of Cambridge training site has a central booking system for a variety of courses on study skills and software packages.
Finally, if you have concerns about your wellbeing, you might like to read a University Counselling Service guide on the transition to university.
Libraries across Cambridge
There are over 100 libraries to explore in Cambridge.
Most students will belong to at least three libraries during their time at the University: their college library, their departmental library, and the University Library (the UL).
College libraries have general and diverse collections, catering mainly to undergraduate reading lists across all the Tripos papers. These are the libraries that are often the most convenient, closest to home, with the longest opening hours, and designed to serve members of their own college.
Faculty and departmental libraries are more subject specialist and are dedicated to serving their own faculty or department. The Library Essentials guide provides an introduction to various departmental and faculty libraries and their resources. Some of these are ‘hub’ libraries that provide resources to support several different subjects and a range of flexible study spaces and co-working facilities. For example, the West Hub.
The University Library is a copyright library, which means that it receives a copy of every book published in the UK as a legal deposit, either in print or digitally. The Libraries Lowdown playlist guides you through essential tips for visiting the UL. The UL provides information for disabled library users online, and offers a range of assistive technologies.
Visit Cambridge Libraries Gateway for links to everything you need to know about Cambridge libraries and e-resources across the University. You can find more information about study skills, resources, and databases available across the University through Cambridge Libguides.