See also Eating, drinking and events section and Your room at Newnham for Cooking and kitchens information
- The BBQ area (on which you can use disposable BBQ trays) is located on the edge of the sports field at the end closest to the main gardens.
- The BBQ area can be booked for use in Michaelmas, Lent and Summer terms, but not the Exam term (Easter Term).
- Hours of use are between 12noon and 8pm or dusk, whichever is earlier. The sports field must be cleared by 8.30pm or 30 minutes after sunset, respectively.
- During Easter Term, the BBQ will be available for use between the end of the exams (so the Saturday after the last day of exams) and General Admission, between the hours of 12noon and 8pm. The sports field must be cleared by 8.30pm.
- Note that there will be occasional days where the BBQ cannot be booked for use (e.g. General Admission, Graduation Days, Weddings etc.). These days will be blanked out on the booking system.
- The overall safety of the event rests with the “responsible person” who booked and is hosting the event and they should ensure that these rules are followed and all appropriate procedures are in place.
- Please book the BBQ area via the Conference Office:
- The person booking the BBQ is “the Responsible Person” and is to collect a copy of the BBQ Risk Assessment from the Porters’ Lodge.
- The Responsible Person will need to remain at the BBQ throughout the event, until all the area is clean and the rubbish removed to the external bin areas.
If using the Gas BBQ: (currently not operational – MT 2023).
- The key needed to operate the BBQ can be signed out from the Porters Lodge and must be returned immediately after use. (NB: the Gas BBQ is currently not operational, but the hot metal surface can be used to place disposable BBQ trays).
- The Newnham student / member who makes the booking will be the person in charge of the BBQ for that session. They must remain at the BBQ throughout, ensure the area is left clean, and personally return the key to the Porter’s Lodge.
- Use the key to turn the gas off to the hot plate in the event of food catching alight in case burning gets out of control. Be warned the hot plate gets VERY HOT (obviously!).
- The responsible person must clean the hot plate when you are finished. Wait for the BBQ hot plate to cool down before cleaning it. You should use a non-scratch cloth to clean the hotplate. If necessary, use washing up liquid to clean the hot plate and to remove any food stains from the sides etc.
- A cleaning fee will be charged if the BBQ is not cleaned properly after use. If you find the BBQ in an unfit state and you have to clean it before you use it, take a photograph and report this to the Porters when you return the key.
- You should leave the BBQ in the state you would like to find it.
If using a disposable BBQ tray:
- The responsible person must not attempt to move a disposal BBQ tray when it has been lit or is in the process of cooling down. Water to be used to completely extinguish the disposal BBQ tray before disposing of the tray. Disposable BBQ to be placed in the METAL bin provided along with the ashes etc. after being completely extinguished and cooled.
- All rubbish should be taken with you and disposed appropriately; the nearest bin store in located in the Coach House courtyard (behind Old Hall).
- No glass bottles or containers are allowed. This is important for health and safety reasons – broken glass and sports activities on the Sports field do not mix.
- Loud music must not be played on the Sports field – the College Noise regulations will apply.
- The garden team will check the gas level on a weekly basis during the BBQ season.
- Any damage or faults with the equipment must be reported by email to the Head Gardener or the Porters’ Lodge if out of normal office hours.
- Gym
The College gym is located on the top floor of the Dorothy Garrod Building, accessed from X staircase (near the Cynthia Beerbower Room).
We have risk-assessed the gym and placed restrictions on the number of people and the amount of time each member can access the gym. Members can book a one-hour session in the gym, with up to ten members per session.
Please check your in-box for more information on how to book an induction session and once inducted how to book a gym session.
- Housekeeping Office
The Housekeeping Office is located in Fawcett Ground Floor.
The Housekeeping Office is open Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
The Housekeeping Manager is Alison Carman:
The Deputy Housekeeping Manager is Caterina Jones:
The Housekeeping Supervisor is Juliana Zezilia:
- Internet access and wifi
All student rooms and public areas have Wi-Fi.
Please email all IT issues to the IT Helpdesk system:
- Laundry and drying facilities
On the main College site there are five large laundries with industrial machines (washers and driers). These are located:
- Peile ground floor, opposite the Jane Harrison Room
- Sidgwick ground floor, opposite Sidgwick Hall Alcove
- Block A of RFB ground floor
- Dorothy Garrod Building (basement of X staircase).
- Old Hall ground floor (OH G12)
These communal laundries are on card access between the hours of 06.00 to 22.00. If a student needs emergency access out of these hours to collect their items that are in one of these laundries, they can ask the Duty Porters to update their personal card to give them 20-minutes access in order to get to the laundry room and collect their items. No machines are to be used between the hours of 22.00 to 06.00.
In each postgraduate house there is at least one washing machine and tumble dryer.
All machines (washers and driers) are FREE to use.
All the College washing machines use liquid detergent (or washing detergent capsules that you put directly into the machine drums), rather than powder which can create blockages.
All laundry rooms are equipped with an iron and ironing board.
Please report any faults to the Housekeeping Manager.
- Library
The College Library is in Sidgwick (entrance is on the corridor that runs from the Porter’s Lodge towards the Buttery).
Library staff will help you make the most of library resources in College and the wider university, so don’t hesitate to ask them for help. Information and contact details are available on the College library webpages:
- Lost and found property
Report lost property immediately to the Porters’ Lodge.
If you find property, please take it to the Porters’ Lodge.
If you lose your University Card, please report it immediately to the Duty Porter then the Tutorial Office.
- Music and Music Practice Rooms
- The Old Labs Main Space and Music Practice Room One are booked through the Conference Office on
- Practice Room Two and Practice Room Three are on a first come first served basis at the Porters Lodge.
Music – general rules
- No musical instrument may be played except during music hours (see below)
- The use of radios, iPhones, stereos etc. is not limited to music hours but they must be played with the volume low enough to ensure that they can be heard in the owner’s room only – especially in hot weather when windows may be open
- The music practice rooms are not limited to music hours, but they should not be used after 11pm.
Music Hours (in student rooms)
Monday to Friday 8am – 10am and 1pm – 7pm
Saturday 8am – 10am and 1pm – 9pm
Sunday 9am – 9pmPianos & harpsichord
- The College has three grand pianos, which may be booked for serious practice, in College Dining Hall, the Old Labs Main Space and the Old Labs Music Room.
- Any Newnham student wishing to use the grand pianos should first contact the President of the Raleigh Music Society.
- Lists of those with permission to use the pianos and to whom keys may be issued will be kept by the Porters’ Lodge.
- In the Easter Term, priority will be given to those studying for the Music Tripos (only available after exams periods are completed).
- The College also owns a harpsichord. Anyone wishing to use this should contact the President of the Raleigh Music Society.
Music practice & concerts in College Hall
- Newnham music students, and performing members of Newnham Music Society, may use the College Hall for music practice as long as no inconvenience is caused to the Catering Staff and the room is booked in advance through the Conference Office.
- If the Hall is locked, the key may be obtained from the Porters’ Lodge; the key will not be handed out unless the Hall has been booked in advance with the Conference Office (and is shown on the room booking diary at the Porters’ Lodge).
- After the practice please replace chairs and tables, switch off all lights, lock up and return the key to the Porters’ Lodge.
Music practice in the Old Labs Main Space & Old Labs music practice rooms
- Music hours in the Old Labs are 9am to 9.30pm. The key is not given out after 9pm. Obviously if there is an event taking place in the Old Labs main space then the music can continue on until 10pm (extensions are allowed during a May Ball or June Event).
- The Bosendorfer Grand Piano and the Harpsichord are kept locked in the Practice Room. Anyone wishing to use either instrument should contact the President of the Music Society.
- Only those people whose names appear on the list in the Porters’ Lodge will be given the key to unlock the appropriate instrument.
- Anyone wishing to book the main space in the Old Labs should contact the Conference Office on
- Permaculture Garden Club
The Permaculture Garden Club is a student-run garden initiative managed according to the principles of permaculture: to work with the earth rather than against it, to integrate rather than segregate, and to garden sustainably. Our garden is located behind the Pightle building; we grow lots of veggies and herbs, and members are encouraged to pick what they need. We welcome anyone who would like to join – please email us to get involved! Email for more information:
- Pigeonholes/Post/Deliveries
Please check your pigeonhole in the Porters’ Lodge daily for any mail and or notices.
Large packages or large letters will be kept at the Porters’ Lodge and an email asking you to collect them will be sent to you.
Please bring your University Card with you when you come to pick items up from the Lodge, as a means of identification.
Please ensure that you know where the email notification states that the item is located within the Porters’ Lodge.
Your mail is normally forwarded to your home address during vacations. If you wish mail to be forwarded to another address or to be held in College, please update your mailing address on CamSIS. This is only available to UK addresses.
The Porters’ Lodge is happy to receive “signed for” deliveries for students, staff and Fellows. Recently, however, a number of couriers have requested that the receiving Porters provide not only personal ID and but also personal proof of date of birth before accepting parcels (which in such cases typically contain alcohol or other adult items). After review with the Bursar and Senior Tutor, we have decided that deliveries which do not accept the signature of a uniformed porter in a Porters’ Lodge as adequate will be refused and returned to sender. Please be aware of this when making online purchases.
There is limited storage for deliveries at the Porters’ Lodge – please inform the Lodge if you are expecting an urgent or large delivery.
Deliveries direct to student rooms are not permitted, for security reasons.
The Porters’ Lodge cannot accept deliveries of perishable food, for Food Hygiene reasons.
Students to be aware that when ordering goods from abroad, this may trigger customs and VAT obligations. Couriers will demand payment of VAT, import duties and handling charges at the point of delivery if not paid beforehand. Please note that the College will not meet such charges at the point of delivery and will refuse to receive the goods, with the resulting administrative inconvenience, increased costs and irritation for all involved. Here is an example of DHL’s policy which is probably typical. Please ensure you check all the customs and VAT obligations before ordering items from outside of the UK.
- Porters’ Lodge
The Porters’ Lodge is located on Sidgwick Avenue (CB3 9DF); is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is the main reception and focal point for information and assistance for all members of the college and its visitors.
The Lodge is staffed by the Head Porter, two Senior Porters, and a dedicated team of Porters responsible primarily for security, fire safety, general Health and Safety and of course, welcoming people to the College.
The Porters’ diverse role also covers administering first aid, to dealing with your post and parcels, to providing local knowledge and non-academic assistance. If we don’t know the answer, we will know someone who does.
You can contact the Porters’ Lodge on 01223 335700 or via email at:
- Room bookings (meeting rooms)
Students can book the College meeting / function rooms via the Conference and Events Office (via email
Students are advised to book a room at least one full week in advance (as rooms get booked early).
All bookings will be subject to a simple template Risk Assessment being filled in and checked by the Conference Office, to make sure they are practical, safe and legal.
The Newnham student booking the meeting room must be present throughout the event / meeting and must accept total responsibility for the event.
All evening events within the College meeting rooms must end promptly at 11.00pm and be out of the College by 11.30pm (unless an extension has been granted in Iris Bar).
Any charge associated with your room booking will be explained to you by the Conference Office.
During the Easter Term (and just prior to the start of the Easter Term) many undergraduate students will be studying for, or sitting examinations and then the academics will be marking examinations in their rooms. With this in mind the following rules will apply:
Gatherings of more than six people are not allowed during the Easter Term in bedrooms or household kitchens (unless part of the same household).
Those enjoying the gardens should be aware of not disturbing those working in the College buildings.
A limited number of social events planned by the JCR Committee and MCR Committee will be held, but strict adherence to the noise regulations will apply.
Most Public Rooms are booked via the Conference Office however there are some exceptions shown below:
The JCR is booked via the JCR Ents Officers
The MCR is booked via the MCR Committee
The Bar is booked via the Bar Committee
The Party Room (when it is open) is booked via Party Room Booking.xlsx
The Group Training Room in the Library is booked via the Library Office
- Room maintenance and the Room Management System (RMS)
The College uses an online room management system (RMS) to administer coming up and going down forms and reporting maintenance issues.
If there are any issues with your room, kitchen or bathroom that the maintenance team need to fix, please report them using the RMS: The team can’t fix problems if they don’t know about them. See Maintenance Reporting above for details.
- Sports
The College has a new high-tech gym (located on the third floor of X staircase in the Dorothy Garrod Building), a sports field on site and three tennis courts (netball nets are erected on one court during the season).
The sports field may be booked via the Conference Office on
Members of both the JCR and MCR are allowed to use the gym but must first undertake an induction – watch the noticeboards in the Porters’ Lodge for more information.
Once you have completed your gym induction your University Card will be programmed to open the gym door.
There are tennis courts available for use on a first come first serve basis – ask at the Porters’ Lodge.
- Telephone
There are no public telephone boxes in College – please see the Porters if you require assistance.
There is a very limited mobile signal in the Dorothy Garrod Building – please use Wi-Fi calling in this building
Emergency landline phones have been installed in the Dorothy Garrod cluster kitchens. These phones can only call through to the Porters’ Lodge and are for emergency use only
- Waste Policy
The College has a Waste Policy which can be found here
- Who books what
We want to make the booking of rooms in College as easy as possible. Please contact the Conference Office on or call us on 01223 335 803 to book the following:
- Meeting and Function Rooms
- BBQ area (Please note only a maximum of 6 allowed during the exam term)
- College Hall piano
- Garden Parties
- Old Labs Main Practice Space and Music Room 1
- Old Labs Practice Room No. 2 and Practice Room No.3
- Sports Field (term time only)
- Marquee
Please note this office is open Monday to Friday (8.30am to 5pm), not evenings or weekends. Any requests after 4.30pm on a Friday will likely not be responded to until Monday morning.
Please do book in advance, to avoid disappointment.
There are some areas which cannot be booked via the Conference Office, please see below:
- Supervision Rooms (includes supervision rooms 1 to 6, Pightle Dining Room and Coach House 101). These can all be booked via
- Bar/Party Room. Book via the JCR Ents Officers
- MCR Room. Book via the MCR Committee
- JCR Rooms (Peile and Clough). Book via the JCR Ents Officer
- Tennis Courts. Collect keys from the Porters’ Lodge – first come first served basis (2 courts).