The College has also founded a number of awards as a result of particular benefactions to the College. These are:
- Ann Duncan Memorial Fund
Dr Ann Duncan was an Oxford Graduate who taught at Exeter University until she came to Newnham in 1970 as Director of Studies in Modern Languages where she remained until her death in 1989, aged only 48. She was a modernist working in nineteenth and twentieth century French studies as well as on contemporary Latin-American literature. She earned her Cambridge doctorate from her publications, not by thesis.
She was a stimulating and demanding teacher, with a lively sense of humour; never satisfied with easy answers, pompous authoritarianism or received wisdom. Despite being paralysed from the waist down from the age of thirteen she travelled widely, never allowing her disability to limit either her freedom of movement or her independence.
The Ann Duncan Memorial Fund was set up immediately after her death with donations from her family, her students and friends. In making grants from the fund the awarders try to choose those projects which they feel would have interested Ann. Grants are awarded every two years,with the next grants awarded for foreign travel during summer 2025.
Application is restricted to students of the University studying a language to degree level under the auspices of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, particularly those with special interest in contemporary French or Latin-American studies.
Consideration will also be given to applicants who are studying aspects of French or Latin-American society for a postgraduate qualification.
Enhanced grants may be available for students with special difficulties of mobility.
The awards are not intended to fund the MML year abroad, nor are they intended for language courses. In recent years awards have gone mainly to those whose travel plans have a distinctive social or intellectual purpose.
Further details, including how to apply, will be published on this website in spring 2025.
Click here to find out about Recent Ann Duncan Award projects
Any queries should be directed to the Principal’s Executive Assistant, Newnham College, Cambridge, CB3 9DF. (
- Dorothy Whitelock Studentship
The Studentship, which is open to both men and women, was founded in 1986 to honour Professor Whitelock’s outstanding contribution to Anglo-Saxon and kindred studies. The Studentship is tenable for one year from October, and will have a value of approximately £1000.
Applications from students already embarked on Cambridge Courses
The Studentship is open to current M.Phil and Ph.D. students who during the tenure of the Studentship will not have completed twelve terms of graduate study. Applicants should send a letter explaining the stage of their research to Dr Brittany Schorn, Newnham College, Cambridge, CB3 9DF, by 1 June. Each applicant should also ask his or her supervisor to write a letter of recommendation directly to Dr Schorn so as to reach her by 1 June. A previous holder of the Studentship may apply in subsequent years. Candidates may be required to submit a piece of written work.
Applications from entrants to Cambridge Courses
The Studentship is also open to candidates for admission as Graduate Students working for the M.Phil or Ph.D. Degree within the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic. In the case of female applicants preference may be given to those who have named Newnham (Professor Whitelock’s College) as their College of first preference. There is no restriction on College choice for men. No special application form is required, but a letter should be sent to Dr Schorn, Newnham College, Cambridge, CB3 9DF, by candidates wishing to be considered for the Studentship. The letter should reach Newnham College by 1 June each year. Election to the Studentship is subject to acceptance as a Graduate Student by the Board of Graduate Studies or by a College as an Affiliated Student.
- The Kathleen Hughes Memorial Fund
The Managers of the Kathleen Hughes Memorial Fund give notice that they welcome applications for a small grant or grants in aid of research to be made from the Fund, the purpose of which is to promote study in the history and culture of the period AD 500 – AD 1200 in Britain, Ireland, and Europe.
The award is open to all members of the University, but preference may be given to applicants in statu pupillari. Applications should be sent to Dr Brittany Schorn, Newnham College, so as to reach her by 1 June each year, and must include details of the project for which support is sought and a statement of any other assistance for which application has been made. Grants are not made for general maintenance. Applicants in statu pupillari are requested to ask at least one referee to write in support of their application directly to Dr Schorn so as to reach her by 1 June each year.