Nazia Habib

BS (SUNY), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

College roles



Dr Nazia M Habib, FRSA, is the Founder and Research Centre Director for the Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD).

She is also a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Industrial Sustainability at the Institute of Manufacturing (IfM)

Trained at Oxford University and at University of Cambridge, Dr Habib believes that to reduce inequality, inability and inefficiency experienced globally, the decision makers and Social Science academics need to improve the methods used to create evidence for decision making. Out of that quest to find better answers to these complex problems, Dr Habib has dedicated her scholarship to develop twenty-first century action-research methodologies that will harness the power of collective intelligence, smart technologies and open innovation to aid and add greater resilience to the cohesive decision-making process. Leaders of more than 57 countries have benefited from her research methods and have seen improvements in their abilities to manage uncertainty. Dr Habib has also advised over 20 governments on sustainable development and climate change related policy issues. She is leading the Small States Policy Simulation Labs Project, a collaboration between the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge.

Prior to founding CRSD, Dr Habib was a founding University Lecturer for the MPhil in the Public Policy degree programme at Cambridge. She has been awarded Newton Fellowships, Commonwealth Scholarships and numerous research grants. Dr Habib holds advisory roles with several international institutions including the Bangladesh Small Medium Enterprise Foundation (SMEF) and consults for multilateral agencies, including the United Nations, World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Research Interests

Dr Habib works with the CRSD team to apply systems thinking methods to political economic theories to influence one’s worldview of decision making. Worldview is the glue behind every decision, which is absorbed in the process of acculturation of oneself. Dr Habib’s research currently focuses on integrating systems thinking for applied resilience and sustainable development in the context of good governance, responsible innovation and sustainable investment.