Lili Agri

BA (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne), MA (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne), DEA (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne), PhD (Nottingham)

College roles

Special Supervisor in Classics


Dr Dalida (Lili) Agri studied Classics at the University Paris IV-Sorbonne, where she completed her undergraduate and part of her postgraduate studies. She then moved to the UK where she was awarded a full scholarship to complete her PhD at the University of Nottingham. Since then, she held teaching posts at various universities (Nottingham, London, Leicester, Manchester, and Birmingham), where she lectured across the range of subjects in Classics, including Reception Studies. She joined Newnham College as Special Supervisor in September 2024. Lili specialises in Latin Literature and Roman philosophy.  

Research Interests

Dr Dalida Agri works on intersections between literature and philosophy, and her first monograph, Reading Fear in Flavian Epic: Emotion, Power, and Stoicism (Oxford University Press), was released in June 2022. She has published on several aspects of Roman literature. Her research interests range widely across Latin and Greek literature, especially Roman epic, with a focus on gender, emotion and cognition, and political thought. She is currently working on a commentary on Silius Italicus' Punica Book 5, and co-editing a volume with Prof. Giulia Sissa on Gender and Emotion in global antiquity.