Gill Sutherland
MA (Oxon), PhD (Oxon), FRHistS
College roles
Fellow Emerita
Formerly Lecturer and Director of Studies in History
Vice-Principal 1989-1996
University roles
Member of History Faculty; occasional supervision of Part II dissertations and research
Dr Gill Sutherland taught and directed studies in History at Newnham 1965-2007 and continues to research and write. Her two most recent books have been Faith, Duty and the Power of Mind. The Cloughs and Their Circle 1820-1960 (2006) and In Search of the New Woman: Middle Class Women and Work in Britain 1870-1914 (2015), both published by CUP.
From 1999-2018 she was chairman of governors of The Stephen Perse Foundation in Cambridge. She currently serves as a Trustee of The Friends of the Women’s Library at LSE.
Research Interests
Gill Sutherland maintains her interest in the social and political history of education and of women in particular, in 2018 giving over twenty talks on Millicent Garrett Fawcett and the Representation of the People Act of 1918. With Kate Williams she compiled and edited a second Newnham anthology, Walking on the Grass, Dancing in the Corridors: Newnham at 150, published in 2021, for the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the College.