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Alex Bryan

BA (York), MA (York), PhD (KCL)

Director of Studies in Philosophy Part IA; IB; II
Postgraduate Mentor

Alex Bryan

Claire Bryant-Curtis

MA (Cantab), LLB (London)

Associate Fellow (E)
Newnham Associate

Claire Bryant-Curtis

Luana-Teodora Bulat

BSc (Leicester), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

Special Supervisor in Computer Science

Luana-Teodora Bulat

Lucilla Burn

MA (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), FSA

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Lucilla Burn
Yuxuan Cai

Yuxuan Cai

Skilliter Centre Postgraduate Researcher

Yuxuan Cai

Anne Campbell

MA (Cantab), CStat, Hon PhD (Anglia Ruskin) (NC 1959)

Honorary Fellow (1996)

Anne Campbell

Laura Caponetto

BA (Catania), BA (Vincenzo Bellini Music Institute, Catania), MPhil, (Vita-Salute San Raffaele), PhD (Vita-Salute San Raffaele)

Sarah Smithson Research Fellow (B)
Postgraduate Mentor

Laura Caponetto

Alexia Cardona

BSc (Malta), MSc (Edinburgh), PhD (Cantab)

Assistant Tutor (Undergraduates & Postgraduates)

Alexia Cardona