Fellows Emeritae

Fellow Emerita

Lucy Adrian

MA (Cantab), MA (Wisconsin), PhD (Cantab)

Fellow Emerita

Lucy Adrian

Pat Altham

MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

Fellow Emerita

Pat Altham

Claire Barlow

MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), FIOM3

Fellow Emerita
Director of Studies in Engineering & Engineering Manufacturing
Postgraduate Mentor
Deputy Praelector

Claire Barlow

Mary Beard

DBE, MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), HonDLitt (Bristol), FBA

Honorary Fellow (2023)
Fellow Emerita

Mary Beard

Sally Corbet

MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), ScD (Cantab)

Fellow Emerita

Sally Corbet

Catherine Hills

MA (London), PhD (Birkbeck)

Fellow Emerita

Catherine Hills

Deborah Hodder

MA (Cantab), MA (UCL), MCLIP

Fellow Emerita

Deborah Hodder

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Terri Apter

MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Terri Apter

Harry Baker

BA (Open), MSc (London Guildhall), DSc (Open)

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Harry Baker

Lucilla Burn

MA (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), FSA

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Lucilla Burn

Janet Carter

MA (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Janet Carter

Clarissa de Waal

MA (Edinburgh), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Clarissa de Waal

Katy Edgcombe

MA (Cantab), MIMA

Privileges of Fellow Emerita

Katy Edgcombe

Laurie Friday

MA (Cantab), PhD (Exeter)

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Laurie Friday

Fiona Gilbert

MA (Cantab), MB ChB (Glasgow), DMRD (Aberdeen), MRCP, FRCR, FRCPS, FRCP, FRSE, FMedSci

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita
Head of Department of Radiology
Member of Human Resources Committee
Clinical School Faculty Board
Council of Clinical School
Cambridge Health Imaging

Fiona Gilbert

Susan Golombok

BSc (Glasgow), MSc (IOE), PhD (Institute of Psychiatry), MA (Cantab), FBA

Privileges of a Fellow Emerita

Susan Golombok