
Newnham College

College Council

Newnham College is a registered charity (no.1137512) overseen by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The 15 members of the College Council act as the Charity Trustees, comprising four College Officers, eight Fellows elected from among the Governing Body, and three students, as follows as at 1 July 2024:

Principal (Chair)
Senior Tutor
Bursar (Secretary)
Dr Sinéad Agnew
Dr Carol Atack
Alice Benton
Dr Kate Fleet
Dr Caroline Lanskey
Dr Catherine Lindon
Dr Delphine Mordey
Professor Yael Navaro
JCR President
JCR Vice-President (Internal)
MCR Representative

The College Council meets at least three times per term.

The College's Publication Scheme is available here (pdf)

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests can be made to:

The College’s legal framework

Proposed minor updates to Charter and Statutes

The College’s organisation and structure

Financial information

The College’s accounts (Consolidated Financial Statements)

Policies and Procedures